Each state has roles such as:

  • Governor;
  • Deputy Governor;
  • Mayor;
  • State Member.

A state member can:

  • ask for help with orders;
  • write in chat;
  • book tasks (if allowed by the state settings).

The Mayor can do the same as a regular state member, as well as:

  • invite other players to join the state;
  • accept and reject requests to join the state;
  • delete regatta tasks.

The Deputy Governor can do the same as the Mayor, as well as:

  • give and remove the role of "Mayor" and " Deputy Governor";
  • change the parameters of the State;
  • remove users from the State (except for the Deputy Governors and the Governor);
  • change the participation status in State races for all members (except for the Governor and Deputy Governors).

The Governor has the most power, in addition to everything available to the Deputy Governor, he can:

  • change the roles of other members of the state;
  • remove users from the state (including Deputy Governors);
  • can change the participation status of all members in state races.

A state can have only one Governor. The Governor is automatically assigned to the creator of the state. This role cannot be transferred to other state members. The role of Governor is only transferred if the Governor has left the state. In this case, the player with the highest role and level will get this role.

All state members can perform tasks for state materials and experience, build a state capital and take part in a regatta.