This is a main ingame screen. It provides you with access to all main control functions of the game. Please read the describtion of all buttons below:

  1. Game Settings (⚙️): Allows you to control your Account settings, gives acess to legal information,  provides access to Support articles. Additionally you can find some hints about the gameplay there.
  2. Facilities on a Base: Frome here you can monitor your Base state.
  3. Information about your playable characters:  Press it to see all features and passive and active skills of the characters you have.
  4. In-game Store  (): Click here to check on discounts, offers and freebies. Come here to get new weapons, armor, supply and consumables packs and to save you time to prepare for big adventures!
  5. Map (🗺️): Helps you to navigate the world of the game and tells you everything you need to know about the best places to loot
  6. Characters switсh panel (👥):  Allowes you to switch between available playable characters to use their best skills in a battle
  7. Adrenaline Skill (): This button allows you to use a Special skill of selected weapon to instantly kill or to cause an ultimate damage to the enemy.
  8. Weapon Ability:  Allows you to use an unique ability of the selected weapon. 
  9. Vaulting button:  Use this button to climb over or on the obsticles.
  10. Main Attack Button: Use this one to hit, shoot, throw or place the trap. Hit it as often as you can when in a fight!
  11. CrouchAllows you to duck and crouch and activates stealth movement mode. Sometime staying low is a key. This button will help you to sneak on an enemy and to perform a stealth kill.  
  12. Roll:  This button combined with other movements can make you untouchable. If you master it you will be the king of a close combat
  13. Main panel. Contains:
    1. Health points information:  reflects the amount of damage you can absorb before character is no longer available for the game.
    2. Stamina points information:  you need those to use sprint and roll.
    3. Equipped weapon panel (on the left):  shows active weapon with which current character is equipped.
    4. Ready to use consumable panel (on the right): shows which cosumable you will be using if you activate the consumable.
  14. Joystick (🕹️):  Use this one for movement.
  15. Inventory: Click here to see your belongings which you have collected and carry at the moment as well as all the equipped weapons and armor and items on your characters.
  16. MissionsInformation about active tasks and missions, реуш progress and descriptions. Complete missions to receive rewards!
  17. Compass panelShows you directions to go, distance to walk or markers to follow.