Uzay yarışı
What do I need to do to take part in the Space Race?
To take part in the Race, you need to reach level 42 in the game. With the start of the competition, you will be automatically assigned to a...
Rules of the Space Race
During the Space Race, players are divided into groups and compete by gathering points for launching spacecraft. The player receives points ...
How are groups formed? How to get into another group?
Competition groups are predefined. The number of prototypes unlocked by the player is taken into account when assigning a player to a partic...
What type of rewards can I get?
Players that take the first 3 places in the contest receive the most valuable prizes - Megabucks, Building Coupons and commemorative monumen...
Why am I unable to take part in the Space Race?
Most likely, you have not reached level 42 which is required for participation. Please develop your Megapolis, and you will be able to parti...
I did not receive a reward for taking part in a Research Contest. What should I do?
Once the race has finished, you have 24 hours to grab your prize. If you have not done it within this time window, it will automatically be ...
- Önemli bilgiler
- Maden
- Özel binalar
- Yelkenli Yarışı
- Sezon Bileti
- Şehir pazarı ve tüccar
- Tren
- İiller
- Oyun Mekaniği
- Sorun gi̇derme
- Oyun ilerlemesi
- Megapolis'te Üretim
- Beledi̇ye bi̇nasi ve vergi̇ dai̇resi̇
- Arkadaşlarla etki̇leşi̇me geçmek
- Oyun i̇çi̇ para
- Uygulama i̇çi̇ndeki̇ satin almalar
- Alanlar ve bölgeler
- Özel oyun i̇çi̇ etki̇nli̇kler
- Ulaşim
- Megapoli̇s'te endüstri̇
- Uzaya firlatma tesi̇si̇
- Si̇lahlanma yarişi
- Demi̇ryolu yarişi
- Araştırma Yarışması
- Uzay yarışı
- Askeri̇ üs
- Mobi̇l i̇leti̇şi̇m
- Güvenli̇k ve dürüst oyun yönlendi̇rmeleri̇