🏭 Industrial Academy
Special buildings
🔥 Smeltery
⚙️ Can I reset my game and start over?
Game progress
How does the Mine work?
How to obtain ingots?
What can I do to complete a space mission?
Space launch facility
Where is the extracted ore stored?
📮 Mail Center and Stamps
🚤 What is regatta?
⏱️ How often are the regattas held?
Who can participate in Regatta?
What are Seasonal Adventures?
What is a Golden Pass?
What is a Golden Pass+?
How does the City Market work?
How does a trader work?
How does the train work?
What are train points for?
🤝 How to ask for help and help your friends with the Train
What are states for?
How can I create a state? Which players should I invite?
Can I change the name of the state?
📋 Control Center
🎫 Using Coupons
🛠️ Materials: Usage and How to Obtain Them
I have issues running the game
I can’t find my city!
I cannot connect my game to Facebook
How do I save my game progress?
📲 How do I move my city to a new device?
🛫 How does the Airport work?
🏢 How does the Trade Center work?
🏭 How does Manufacturing work in Megapolis?
What does the government of the city do?
How do the City Hall and the Tax Office work?
How do the Town Hall and Treasury work?
What is the purpose of having neighbors?
How can I help my neighbors?
Where can I find people to be my friends within the game?
How to get Megabucks?
Where can I purchase Megabucks and coins?
I don’t have enough coins. What can I do to change that?
💵 I didn't get my purchase
I can’t make purchases. What's wrong?
What locations and regions are present in the game?
What do I need to do to unlock a new region or location?
Tourist Island
Quests that can be manually restarted by a player
Quests that can be restarted by Support without foundations
Quests that can be restarted by Support if foundations are built
How can I manage buses in my city?
What are the different types of buses?
How can I buy, upgrade or sell a bus?
How can I start extracting oil?
What can be manufactured from oil?
How can I earn profit from extracting oil?
How can I start conquering space?
What should I do to build a space craft?
What do I need to do to take part in the Arms Race?
The rules of the arms race
How are groups formed? Can I switch myself to a different group?
What do I need to do to take part in the railroad marathon?
Rules of the railroad marathon
What do I need to do to take part in the Research Contest?
Rules of the Research Contest
How are groups formed? How to get into another group?
What do I need to do to take part in the Space Race?
Rules of the Space Race
How to develop military manufacturing in Megapolis?
What ranks and titles are there out there? What can I do to get a new one?
What do I need to do to manufacture military equipment?
What are cell towers for?
How can I manage the funds I get from the cell towers?
Which regions can the cell towers be built in?
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