When you are in a particular location, you can move around by dragging the map from one point to another. Press on any section of the city and without letting go, move it in the direction you’d like to move the map in.
If you’d like to move from one location to another, the mini-map is there to help.
It can be accessed from anywhere in your city. Simply tap on the map symbol on the top right side of the screen. Tap on the map icon in the right section of the screen. You can move around the mini-map the same way you move around the city. The mini-map shows miniature illustrations of all the regions and locations of your Megapolis, as well as important objects within your city. To be transported to a particular location, simply tap on it on the mini-map.
Wait a little bit, and you’ll be there!
If you’d like to move from one location to another, the mini-map is there to help.
It can be accessed from anywhere in your city. Simply tap on the map symbol on the top right side of the screen. Tap on the map icon in the right section of the screen. You can move around the mini-map the same way you move around the city. The mini-map shows miniature illustrations of all the regions and locations of your Megapolis, as well as important objects within your city. To be transported to a particular location, simply tap on it on the mini-map.
Wait a little bit, and you’ll be there!

Have fun playing the game!