You can build 2 monorails in Megapolis. The first one is built as part of the Riverside Station transportation system. It is needed to unlock the Westside region.
The second and more extensive monorail can be built in Las Megas. The Las Megas monorail train stations work the same way as the normal train stations: before the stations can start accumulating coins and passengers, they need to be completely built, connected to the Las Megas Central Station via a monorail, and have at least one train going through it. Once the income from the station has been gathered, the passengers will be transferred to the International Port, from where they can be sent to your friends’ cities via Ferries. Build more train stations, connect them with monorails, and upgrade your train stations and trains. This will help you continue developing your city, and will also significantly increase your city’s income!
Let’s take a closer look at how to purchase, upgrade, send out, and edit the paths of monorail trains in Las Megas.
Buying a train
To purchase a train, press on the Central Station building in Las Megas.
If you have everything you need to purchase a new train, you will see an empty cell for a train with a plus sign on it and a green button. Press the plus sign or this button to purchase a train.
Upgrading trains
You can upgrade all trains in your fleet (assuming they have not been fully upgraded) at the Central Station in Las Megas. Use the “Upgrade” button located under the cell of the train to upgrade it.

The second and more extensive monorail can be built in Las Megas. The Las Megas monorail train stations work the same way as the normal train stations: before the stations can start accumulating coins and passengers, they need to be completely built, connected to the Las Megas Central Station via a monorail, and have at least one train going through it. Once the income from the station has been gathered, the passengers will be transferred to the International Port, from where they can be sent to your friends’ cities via Ferries. Build more train stations, connect them with monorails, and upgrade your train stations and trains. This will help you continue developing your city, and will also significantly increase your city’s income!
Let’s take a closer look at how to purchase, upgrade, send out, and edit the paths of monorail trains in Las Megas.
Buying a train
To purchase a train, press on the Central Station building in Las Megas.
If you have everything you need to purchase a new train, you will see an empty cell for a train with a plus sign on it and a green button. Press the plus sign or this button to purchase a train.
Upgrading trains
You can upgrade all trains in your fleet (assuming they have not been fully upgraded) at the Central Station in Las Megas. Use the “Upgrade” button located under the cell of the train to upgrade it.

Sending out trains and selecting their routes
Open the Las Megas Central Station window and select the Local trains tab. All trains not currently in use can be sent out. To do so, press on the button under the cell with the train. A new window will appear, where you will be able to edit the train’s path. To pick the train’s route, press on the stations you’d like it to stop at on the map. The starting point for all train routes will be the Las Megas Central Station. At the bottom of the screen, you will see information about the entire path the train will take. If one of the stations you select is separated by another station from the train’s previous stop, this intermediate station will also be included in the train’s route. If you would like to remove a train station from the train’s path, press on it again, and it will be excluded. Make sure to remember to save at the end.
Editing a train’s route
You can edit a train’s route by going to the Las Megas Central Station. Once you have opened the window, press on the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the cell with the train. A window with the train’s current path will open. From here, you will be able to adjust or even cancel the route. Make sure to save the changes at the end.

Open the Las Megas Central Station window and select the Local trains tab. All trains not currently in use can be sent out. To do so, press on the button under the cell with the train. A new window will appear, where you will be able to edit the train’s path. To pick the train’s route, press on the stations you’d like it to stop at on the map. The starting point for all train routes will be the Las Megas Central Station. At the bottom of the screen, you will see information about the entire path the train will take. If one of the stations you select is separated by another station from the train’s previous stop, this intermediate station will also be included in the train’s route. If you would like to remove a train station from the train’s path, press on it again, and it will be excluded. Make sure to remember to save at the end.
Editing a train’s route
You can edit a train’s route by going to the Las Megas Central Station. Once you have opened the window, press on the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the cell with the train. A window with the train’s current path will open. From here, you will be able to adjust or even cancel the route. Make sure to save the changes at the end.

Also, make sure to build the International Port.
This will get you started with your maritime transportation system. The International Port building will allow you to send out Ferries with passengers to your friends’ cities. Ferries can be upgraded and sent out from the International Port building. To send a Ferry out, you need to gather the minimum number of passengers at the International Port. You can do this by driving them there via the Las Megas monorail. The number of passengers needed is displayed on top of the cell with the Ferry. To edit a Ferry’s path, press on the pencil icon over the cell with the Ferry in question. Upgrade your International Port to increase the amount of Ferries you have, and earn more money from transporting passengers.

This will get you started with your maritime transportation system. The International Port building will allow you to send out Ferries with passengers to your friends’ cities. Ferries can be upgraded and sent out from the International Port building. To send a Ferry out, you need to gather the minimum number of passengers at the International Port. You can do this by driving them there via the Las Megas monorail. The number of passengers needed is displayed on top of the cell with the Ferry. To edit a Ferry’s path, press on the pencil icon over the cell with the Ferry in question. Upgrade your International Port to increase the amount of Ferries you have, and earn more money from transporting passengers.

Develop the monorail in your Megapolis!
Have fun playing the game!
Have fun playing the game!