The train is available for players who have reached level 17. First of all you need to rebuild the Platform. The cost of the building is 100,000 coins. The construction time is 24 hours. After the platform is rebuilt, the train will be available to you.

Your task is to load the train with as many necessary goods as possible in the allotted time. The more wagons you fill, the bigger your reward will be. A wagon is considered filled if all the boxes are filled in it. You have 15 hours to load the train.

For a shipped train you will receive experience, coins, train points, materials, tools and gems that can be used to create circuits in the lab.

If you think you have loaded enough items, the train must be dispatched. You can do this at any time, but you will only be rewarded for compartments where all the crates are full.

Once the train has been dispatched, you have 5 hours to prepare to load the next one. The goods you will need for this can be seen in the platform window.

Note that you can fill the box with a special coupon. You can also use the Profitable train scheme in the Lab. During the validity of the scheme, filling crates on the train, you will receive 2 times more coins. The scheme is valid for 1 day.