At the airport, you can make deliveries of your goods to other cities and receive building materials as rewards. 

Main functions of the airport

  • Shipment of goods: Airplanes that make deliveries to other cities are located in the Airport near the City Center. Click on the airplane to open the order window, which will tell you what goods are needed to fulfill the delivery. Fill the containers with the desired goods, and the airplane will take off. Upon returning, you will find building materials in each of the compartments.
  • Upgrade Airplanes: You can upgrade your airplanes to reduce travel time or increase the experience per delivery. Note that you can have a maximum of three airplanes.

Assist with loading

  • Request Help: If you don't have enough items to fill your containers, you can request help from friends in three containers, but no more than one container per airplane. The help request will be displayed in the state chat.
  • Helping friends: Your friends can also request help. The help request will automatically appear in the state chat, and an exclamation mark will appear in the friends window above the friend's avatar, signaling that they need help. You can proceed to the friend's airport to help them with filling containers.

Use these opportunities to fulfill orders more efficiently and get more building materials!