How does the Mine work?
The Mine becomes available in your Megapolis starting from level 21. It is located between the Center for Unique Structures and State Hall.H...
How to obtain ingots?
You can obtain ingots in the following ways:In the Smeltery, you can smelt ingots from the ore mined in the Mine. You can build up to three ...
Where is the extracted ore stored?
All ore mined in the mine is stored in the Carriage. To open it, go to the Mine and tap on the image of the Carriage in the upper right cor...
What are ingots used for?
Ingots are used to upgrade various objects in your Megapolis. You can access the Industrial Academy and use a certain number of ingots to up...
- Mine
- Special buildings
- Regatta
- Season Pass
- City market and trader
- Train
- States
- Game mechanics
- Troubleshooting
- Game progress
- Production in Megapolis
- City hall and tax office
- Interacting with neighbors
- In-game currency
- In-app purchases
- Locations and regions
- Special in-game events
- Transportation
- Industry in megapolis
- Space launch facility
- Arms race
- Railroad race
- Research Contest
- Space Race
- Military base
- Mobile communications
- Safety and honest gameplay guidelines